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How SEO promotion helps real business


How SEO promotion helps real business

As a rule, most site owners have no idea about the following phrases: SEO, SEO optimization, social marketing, etc., which is related to Internet marketing. So for such people who are not interested in the intricacies of website promotion, it is important to know and calculate the effect of SEO: will it be profitable to continue investing in an online project? And this is quite logical, because search promotion may not always be profitable in terms of increasing sales or ordering services.

So the following situation arose. How to count the number of visitors to a shopping and entertainment center (bowling, billiards, skating rink, etc.) who were attracted using the site?

And so are the possible solutions

1. The main telephone number of the shopping and entertainment center for booking and ordering bowling lanes, tables for billiards and other games must be different from the telephone number indicated on the website. With this solution on the site, you can count the number of calls and orders made through the site. But there may be such a situation when a person was looking for a place where he wanted to spend time and did not order a reservation by phone on the site, but used the address indicated on the site.

2. Promotions and discount coupons:

  • for registered users. This will surely interest people to register on the site, which will allow increasing the e-mail base for sending new news and events in the entertainment center;
  • for users of social networks: VKontakte, Twitter, Facebook. Create groups and meetings on social networks.

For example, with the help of the promotion: "Say the secret code and get free 30 minutes ...". This will also increase the control of customers who were attracted through the site.
The main effective communication channels online with offline (in this case, the shopping and entertainment center), as practice shows, are:

SEO tools helps real business

  • Contextual advertising. Properly configured contextual advertising with the specified targeting and time "frames" immediately gives a tangible effect, both in terms of loyal site traffic and is reflected in the order of services (booking).
  • Social networks. Groups, meetings, tweets - that's what today is the most that is not relevant! The loyalty of traffic attracted through the advice of friends and acquaintances is the highest.
  • SEO. Search engine optimization of the site. The effect of SEO website promotion is noticeable in the midrange and treble after a certain time. According to LF words, the effect can be achieved in a short time.

Discussion on regional forums and blogs

The effectiveness of online advertising is higher than offline! BUT, of course, you must always take into account and keep records of the spend on online advertising and the profit received from advertising on the site. This is done for 2-3 months. But only then can we talk about real efficiency.


Internet technologies are constantly evolving, and the percentage of people who order services or buy goods online is growing ... Those who do not combine offline with online will lose a huge number of customers.

SEO tools helps real business